I know it has been a few days since we updated the blog but we have not had a good internet connection. so we have some catch-up to do.
Last thursday we left Waterford heading to Hop-O-Nose Marina, in Catskills, NY. .
We chose to by-pass another marina which puts the mast up a bit cheaper as Mistress has a heavy and unruly mast. Didn't want any stressful situations. We were happy to pay more, we would not attempt it ourselves.
Soon as we left the Federal Lock just a mile from where we set off, we soon knew this river is a lot different than the canal. We both stood with our mouths open as a very large Freighter passed just 100 feet of our side. The banks of the Hudson are lined with hugh estates, we could only imagine who was watching us sail by. After an enjoyable motorsail we reached the marina and started to prepare to have the mast put up again. We were scheduled for the next morning.
Another couple who we met, travelling with their golden lab " Oliver" invited us to dinner aboard their boat "Nautical Dreammer". We ate and talked till late evening (about the cruising life) , 10 o'clock. We have met so many interesting people. Next morning, up early to go over all the rigging and get the mast ready. Raised the mast with not a hitch with a loonie under the foot, for luck, It seems to take longer for me (Tutty) to get things done. We are starting to slow down and relax.

We are watching the weather and planning not to be in the path of any storms so we chose to stay til Monday. Good we did because a tornado came through NY state but missed us. See the loonie worked. We still had a day of rain and a horrible wind storm. We hunckered down in the boat watching DVDs. What a good present. Monday morning we left Hop-0-Nose marina, mast up, deck clean and looking beautiful. We were off to the first anchoring of our trip, we were very excited. We travelled to Kingston, New York, got the anchor set and then the wind came, not just a little bit of wind...... 35 mile an hour wind. We both acted calm for each other but we were scared. We just started to relax when all of a sudden the achor chain started to run free, we both jumped into action, it was crazy, Tutty grabbed the chain with his bare hands. I thought he was going over but he managed to stop it. For some reason the snubber unhooked from the chain. O.K, that got our attention, now we are waiting for something else to happen, but the wind started to calm down about ten o'clock . Tutty, fast asleep ( he was really worried) I kept checking that we were not moving. I finally fell asleep. The morning was calm and beautifull. We set off for a old castle ( Bannerman Castle) where we were going to anchor 40 miles away.

When we arrived there, the anchorage was too shallow, thanks skipper Bob. Oh no........, have to find a marina. We wanted to go to West Point but they don't allow transient docking since (911) , so we had to turned back and go 6 miles and now we are sipping cold drinks at the dock watching tankers go by. LIFE IS GOOD