"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you did not do than by the ones you did do.
So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbour, catch the tradewinds in your sails.

Mark Twain

Friday, February 15, 2013

Cays, Cays and more Cays

  As we sailed through the Cays toward Georgetown, Exumas we spent time in some of the most beautiful anchorages that you could imagine. Just looking around you knew you were in ..........well, paradise.

Spanish Wells is small harbour full of either fishing boats, small freighters or boats to be repaired at the marina.  Due to being shallow we didn't think we were going to get a chance to visit. We hitched a ride with our friends on Ishmael, and spent the day walking around.

 We then moved down to Wardrick Wells, a national park here in Bahamas. The water is so , aquamarine blue it seems you are floating on air. All wildlife is protected, no fishing, just snorkel or swim. We hiked many of the trails on the island.

On top of a hill overlooking the park, called Boo Boo Hill, cruisers who have visited leave a memento, and so we also had to leave ours. We made up a plaque with our info and left it amongst the rest.

After spending a few days, we had nice easy sail to Staniel Cay, a favourite stop for many cruisers, inside the harbour is a grotto where a James Bond movie was shot years ago. When the fishing boats get back with the days catch, it becomes a huge social event with groups of people standing around to watch the men clean their catch. They throw all the entrails into the water which in turn, brings in the sharks. They move in soon as they hear the knives working on the cleaning bench. They are very tame and even allow you to get in the water with them.

 An anchorage where we stayed is famous for it's swimming pigs, located at Big Major Cay, a mile from Staniel.

 They wait around the beach looking for hand-outs.We dingied over and found out, that they like popcorn, so much so, that we had to keep the motor on so he wouldn't climb in the dinghy.



  1. looking good water is beautful glad too you enjoying the journey guys have fun in the sun.

  2. hi guys message from dad could you let him know you are o k he missies you and reads the blog so could you say hi on the blog
