"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you did not do than by the ones you did do.
So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbour, catch the tradewinds in your sails.

Mark Twain

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Around Town


  We had heard so many rumours about Luperon before we arrived here, about the dirty harbour, the corruption, and unfriendly people. We have found, none of this is true.
    Luperon, or more correctly Puerto Blanco is surrounded by mountains to the west, with mangroves all around with a tide of about 2 ft. that flushes the harbour. All the officials which we dealt with were very professional and courteous. There is a man who works in the harbour named Papo who delivers, town water, drinking water, diesel, gas, takes your garbage and arranges trips to the attractions. He recommended an outboard mechanic to fix our dinghy motor. The work was completed in under a day, and at a very good price. It was a nice surprise cause we expected it to be a write-off.

    Almost anything can be found in the small shops that line the streets. Its like stepping back in time when going shopping. Small pickup trucks drive around announcing over a large speaker what they have for sale. BBQ's set up on street corners selling delicious chicken cooked over coals for around $5.

     There is no laundrymat in town but a lady does it for you, washing your clothes in a machine then rinsing in vats before hanging on the line. Her small business is just of the main street.

    There is even a Wendy's here, not the same as the franchise by the same name. The owner is said to have the biggest.............. smile in Luperon.

   Last night we went to dinner at JR's  a local "Gringo bar" owned by a fellow Canadian.
- 8 beers
- plate of pasta Alfreado
- 2 huge chicken and vegtable Empanadas
- Great stories from other cruisers
   Cost under 685 pesos = about 17 dollars

    We spent the morning hiking to the blowholes. this attraction is caused by large waves that push under the cliffs which builds up pressure before exiting through holes in the rock. Driving spray 40ft.into the air.


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