"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you did not do than by the ones you did do.
So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbour, catch the tradewinds in your sails.

Mark Twain

Monday, April 15, 2013

We're still here in Our Paradise

Everyone keeps asking us, where we are now?

We are chill-axing in Georgetown, Exuma Island  The pirate Captain Kidd came here in 1699 and made it one of his favorite places to hang out. You can see why. We have dreamt about sailing to a beach in paradise for many years before we started this trip, why should we rush?

   All the way here I thought I did a fairly good job to keep up this blog. But as soon as we got here, to the Bahamas we fell under, what they call...."Island time".  Internet her is very slow, but available at the local bars by ordering a drink.  Kalik, the local beer is my choice. Start the computer go to your email reader. By the time you get through your messages you've consumed let say, more than one beer and you don't remember a damn thing your read or done.
    Our days our spent on one of the most beautiful beaches, approximately 5 miles long , usually alone, searching for treasure the tide brings in.

   Seabeans are actually seeds from common trees and vines that grow in the tropics, washed out of the rainforests these seeds are carried to the ocean by streams and rivers like the Amazon. Floating in the sea only the hardiest of seabeans endure the long voyage in the ocean currents which may finally bring them to rest on a foreign shore. Seabeans are known as symbols of good luck and longevity. There are two types, Entada gigas or sea heart and Mucuna sloanei or hamburger beans, with a variation that is flat on the top called purse beans. Native to Africa, Central and South America and many Island nations of the South Pacific which all distribute themselves by floating in water. Some for many years. We have found quite a few since we started looking for them.

     Another interesting find is sea glass which is pieces of a broken bottle that are washed up on the shore polished smooth by the sand . Sea glass or beach glass is physically and chemically weathered glass found on the beach. The weathering process produces natural frosted glass.

    We also have collected beautiful shells too numerous to mention. Also we have collected lot of beautiful pieces of coral in very different shapes. Muriel hopes to make jewelry for everyone.

    Every afternoon at 2pm, the cruisers meet underneath the Casuarina trees on Volley Ball beach to play or listen to the talks that are put on. Last week we attended one, on Re connective therapy, so we both got reconnected back to the grid on Mother Earth.

There was a big gathering this week with fellow cruisers who are going  on to the Dominion Republic. In the evening we attended a huge pot luck held , where else, on the beach.

 Life is Good.


  1. looking good glad to hear from you nice view you looked relaxed midge. miss you guys love pat

  2. Paradise is beautiful- great post!!
